
3429 Richville Road

Manchester, VT 05255

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Civil Litigation

If you are unable to work due to a disability, you may qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Unfortunately, the process to file a disability claim is complex and denials are common. This is particularly true for individuals who approach the application process without legal representation. Even minor errors or oversights can lead to denied or delayed benefits.

When parties become involved in a non-criminal legal dispute, they may require the help of an attorney, and even a trial, to resolve the issue. This is known as civil litigation. Many different types of disputes can involve the need for civil litigation, and the parties may include strangers, business partners, neighbors, or even family members.


Common examples of civil litigation include: 


  • Personal injury cases
  • Employment disputes
  • Business and contract disputes
  • Boundary disputes

The common theme in all civil litigation cases is that one or more parties are seeking money, and no criminal charges are involved. If you wish to pursue civil litigation against another party or parties, or you are at the receiving end of a lawsuit, it is critical to seek immediate legal counsel. The civil litigation team at Welford & Sawyer, PC will review your situation to determine the best legal strategy and ensure that you fully understand your rights and options before moving forward.

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